Gino Cecchettin to parents: “We don't make friends with children.” The tattoo was never confessed to Giulia

For Gino Cecchettin, it is the first March 8 without his daughter Giulia, killed on November 11 by her ex-boyfriend Filippo Turetta. So many questions that man still asks himself today and to which he tries to answer. Starting from the question that comes up insistently, he says in an interview with Conchita Sannino on Repubblica, whether this tragedy could have been avoided and what went wrong: “You keep asking yourself. But for myself, first: what could I do? And then to the State, to security. I could talk to him more. Digging, perhaps not giving as much freedom to a girl who was as responsible, conscientious as she was. » Gino Cecchettin's fear is that his daughter “limits herself in her conversations, because she didn't want to worry me. So I tell parents, when they ask me: we shouldn't be afraid of violating their privacy too, we shouldn't be friends or think that everything will necessarily happen the way they think. We have to waste time with them. »

Shortly before Giulia Cecchettin's death, her father said he had made a tattoo dedicated to his wife Monica, who died of cancer. But he didn't have time to reveal it to her: “Perhaps I was also ashamed to admit this tattoo to Giulia. Yes, on my shoulder I have a rose with my wife's name, a gesture that I made impulsively, at the end of last summer: so I always carried Monica with me, and it It was also the sign of an unexpected and joyful restart. Because Giulia was about to graduate and we had recomposed the harmony…”.

In her book “Dear Giulia. What I learned from my daughter” (Rizzoli), Gino Cecchettin says he tried to write “the serious lesson that I learned among others”, that is to say the one about time and important things which are often taken for granted: “I hope I can live differently, and that it is useful. Giulia's love helped me write it: it's not a rhetorical holy card, she truly loved every living being, she dialogued with everyone. She helped her classmates at school, I didn't even know how much. He gave a lot of his time, that’s all.”

About Turetta, whom he never mentions in his book, Gino Cecchettin writes that “personal is a word that should not even come to mind”. And he explains: “Yes, because so many things were taken from me. It's hard to forgive when your chances of living a happy life are cut short. And then, maybe, one day. But now I focus on the bright part. » But Cecchettin addresses Turetta's parents: “I have no hard feelings towards them. I can't have it. Indeed, if they want a word, I am here and I will be there.”

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