From the bet of “Sous ce soleil” to why Cremonini wrote “50 Special”: the ten best slogans of the 90s – The series

For Italian music, the 90s represent the last glimmer of the old-style discography, that of physical media, that of big economies, of the last myths. These are the years, fundamentally, before a disastrous collapse of all forms of intellectualism, and when Italian pop was firing its last cartridges. These are the sunny summers of the Italian World Cup, between the pursuit of a goal of An Italian Summerpedal Under this sun with Baccini and the bicycle thieves. These are the years of the explosion of phenomena like 883, who will give the best of themselves in this decade, and of the mainstream version of rap of these disobedient of article 31 and of this great genius Great coffee by Piotta. These are the years of success for singer-songwriters such as Summer wind And sea ​​sea. And then about the fairy tale Lunapop by 50 specialsone of the most blinding of all time.

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