From psychological bonus to basic psychologist, free help

The service of primary psychological care also arrives in Lombardy. The project has also seen success in other Italian regions, including Piedmont, Abruzzo, Puglia, Sicily And Campania. Recently, the Tuscany made further progress, starting the experimental phase define a public psychological network model. At the same time, an additional 8 million are planned for 2024, dedicated to bonus psychologist.

What does a basic psychologist do?

Since the Covid19 pandemic, in Italy, many people have requested psychological support with services. The bonus psychologist had a boom in requests and in a short time, the allocated funds were exhausted.

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Gradually, the importance of integrating health care into the affiliated health system was understood. figure of a specialist in psychology. The legislation, known as “basic psychologist», is made up of eight articles and provides total funding of 36 million euros (12 million per year) for the three-year period 2024-2026. This expert will collaborate with doctors generals and pediatricians of free choice. Within the framework of the recent approval of the regional law in Lombardy, for example, basic psychologists will work within the Territorial Social Health Authorities (ASST).

There Lombardy is placed like the seventh region The Italians will pass a law aimed at introducing one professional psychologist in each community house. In this region it will be possible to directly access a psychologist without medical prescription.

Tuscany, on the other hand, has started a service testing of the basic psychologist, entrusting him to the ASL (Local Health Authority) with the task of develop a project at least eighteen months in community houses. The regulation was defined to establish the registration method to the lists of basic psychologists and task management, with the aim of developing the service in a homogeneous manner across the entire territory and ensuring equitable access. Subsequently, a will be established regional working group to monitor the progress of the experiment, evaluate its results and identify any critical issues for improvement interventions.

Psychological bonus 2024: everything you need to know

The psychologist bonus for 2024 was refinanced and the amount paid to pay for psychotherapy sessions at private specialists who joined the initiative is increased to 1500 euros of the previous 600. Changing requirements to access the psychologist bonus for 2024: a ISEE within the limit of 50 thousand euroshave the Italian citizenship it's a medical prescription which diagnoses the discomfort.
To get the bonus, you must submit a specific question online via the INPS website, using your identifiers and accessing the dedicated section. Once the request is accepted, it will come communicated the amount of the contribution accompanied by a unique associated code. This code must be delivered to the professional to benefit from the 2024 psychologist bonus.

According to the Government's timetable, the questions will be open from March (taking into account a minimum notice of 30 days for communication to users).

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Psychologist bonus – Contribution to cover the costs of psychotherapy sessions (INPS)

Basic psychologist: while waiting for the law, the Regions are waiting for it

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