Formia, two runners attacked by colleagues: “You are too fast, you are stealing our work”

“You are too fast, you are stealing my job”: this is how two young people from Formia, on the Lazio coast, attacked two of their comrades. They made them take out their cell phones to check how many orders they had delivered. In fact, what triggered their anger was the fact that the colleagues in question, two Pakistani citizens residing in Santi Cosma e Damiano e Formia, were quicker to deliver food to their homes in the city. An efficiency that had infuriated the 27-year-olds: they were in fact afraid that it could harm them, who, although they worked for the same company, had significantly lower returns. One of the two, with a history linked to drugs, went further by grabbing the bike of one of the two Pakistanis and hitting him. He then destroyed her cell phone. The attacked delivery men immediately called 112 to report the incident which occurred on Tuesday. The two young people from Formia were reported by the station carabinieri for damage and private violence.

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