Fleximan lands in the Milan region: four radars overturned

“Fleximan” arrives in the Milan region, precisely in Buccinasco, where four brand new radars, just installed, were destroyed. The local police and carabinieri have already acquired images from video cameras present in the area to be able to find the perpetrators of the act. But we still don't know if it is an individual or a group of people. The speed indicators, explains Corriere della Sera which reconstructs the story, were located via Lomellina-Meucci (in both directions), via Emilia and, in the hamlet of Gudo Gamberado, via De Amicis. The decision to install it came after several road accidents, some fatal. The structures were fixed with screws but, not even 24 hours later, the cement had not set. Additionally, there were no cameras inside the bikes yet. Now “we are doubling them,” Buccinasco Mayor Rino Pruiti said on social media. “You don’t want to risk a fine? Respect boundaries, go slowly, respect life. Without considering that we are spending public money to ensure everyone's safety,” said the mayor. Pruiti had already had his say on the vandals: “Please don't call them 'Fleximan.' are criminals. Once those responsible are found, we will act in accordance with the requirements of the penal code. What happened is despicable and certain actions do not intimidate us.”


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