File, Salvini implicates the former leaders of the Guardia di Finanza: “I want to know if they were aware of the situation”

“I refuse to think that this is the initiative of any individual. I would like to know whether the leaders of the Financial Police were aware of this or not.” The investigation by the Perugia public prosecutor's office into the alleged case of Italian politicians and personalities continues. The last to intervene is Matteo Salvini, who, in on the sidelines of a rally in Pescara, returns to describe what emerged from the investigation as “a very serious problem of illegality” and “one of the most serious episodes of recent decades”. That's not all : the leader of the Northern League also questions the Fiamme Gialle. “I ask the leaders of the Financial Police if they knew: I do not think – explains Salvini – that there were non-officers who spied bank accounts as a hobby and giving information to journalists. I refuse to think that this was the initiative of an individual.” The GdF leaders to whom Salvini refers are not those of today, but those who were in office during the periods covered by the investigations by the Perugia public prosecutor's office. That is, when Fiamme Gialle was led by Giuseppe Zafarana, general commander from 2019 to 2023 and now president of Eni. “Personally, I will make as many reports as possible to understand who was spying and on whose orders, who was winning and who was paying,” Salvini announced.

Cover photo: ANSA/Claudio Peri | Matteo Salvini during an event at the League Political Training School (Rome, February 25, 2024)

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