File, Marco Travaglio: “Neither espionage nor conspiracy against the government. The only prime minister “spied on” in office was Conte. »

“We talk about files, hacking, shame. There was none of that. Record keeping is when you hide secrets to blackmail someone, there is no espionage here.” Guest of Half past eight on La7, Marco Travaglio speaks on the Perugia investigation, on the hundreds of accesses to databases involving politicians and personalities which are the subject of an investigation by the Perugia public prosecutor's office. For the moment, affirms the journalist, “we only have documents from the Perugia public prosecutor's office, with some hypotheses of crime, on access to the SOS database of financier Striano on the mission of three journalists from a national newspaper to go in search of trawlers. information on hundreds of politicians and personalities. But, underlines the director of Daily fact“Then the journalists used this information to carry out journalistic investigations and publish them, and not to blackmail anyone.” Travaglio does not even consider plausible the hypothesis according to which the attack was based on an attempt to discredit members of the government or the majority. “The incursions into the financier's databases are a strange conspiracy against the government,” quips the journalist, “among the searches there is only one sitting Prime Minister controlled by his family and friends: c He is Giuseppe Conte, the only president in office at the time of membership. So I don't see why this would be a plot to bring down the right-wing government. Then there is Matteo Renzi, while practically all those on the center-right were vetted before taking office.” Finally, Travaglio also reduces the scope of the information received by journalists through the financier's research. “The information that come out of these databases have no value. Do we remember a scoop coming out of these accesses?”, he asks rhetorically, and when Lilli Gruber mentions the name of the Minister of Defense Crosetto, the journalist replies: “Crosetto? No, a news came out, already strange, that he was a consultant for Leonardo. It was already known news.”

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