Exams for 526,000 students to begin on June 19

The countdown to the start of the final exams has begun.

In a few days, on June 19 at 8:30 a.m., I 526,317 students those who will have to take the state exam this year will take the first written test, the same for all courses of study. We continue the next day, still at 8:30 a.m., with different tests according to the disciplines characterizing the different study paths. An interview is then scheduled with the aim of verifying the achievement of the academic, cultural and professional profile of each candidate. It starts on June 24.

Maturity in figures

The candidates are 512,530 internal and 13,787 external; they will be examined by 14,072 commissions, for a total of 28,038 classes. The largest number of candidates comes from high schools, i.e. 266,057, followed by those from technical institutes, which are 172,504; finally, there are 87,756 from professional institutes.

The tests

In detail, the first try make sure East mastery of the Italian language (or the different language in which the teaching takes place) and the expressive, logical-linguistic and critical abilities of the students. The test has a maximum duration of six hours. Applicants can choose between different types and themes: the ministry offers seven courses for all fields of study which refer to artistic, literary, historical, philosophical, scientific, technological, economic and social fields. Students can choose, among the seven courses, the one that seems best suited to their preparation and interests. The test can be structured into several parts.

The second test concerns one or more of the disciplines which characterize the Course of Study. However, in the new professional institutes, the examination focuses on skills and fundamental thematic areas of orientation and not on disciplines. In traditional high school, the second test is a version of Greek; for science, it is mathematics.

The third written test will only take place in certain special cases, as for schools in the Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano or for schools with Slovenian language teaching and with bilingual Slovenian/Italian teaching in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The interview it takes place after the writings and also concerns the transversal teaching of civic education. This is a multi- and interdisciplinary interview: the commission assesses the candidate's ability to understand the links between the knowledge acquired and their educational, cultural and professional profile. This will start from an initial starting point chosen by the Commission.

This is the phase of the exam which allows us to highlight the student's training and growth path, their skills, their talents and their ability to develop, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the most significant themes of each discipline. During the interview, the candidate explains, through a short report and/or a multimedia essay, the PCTO experience (transversal skills and orientation path) carried out during their studies.

As 'Fanpage' reports, oral exams could be postponed in school polling stations where on Sunday June 23 and Monday June 24 citizens will vote for the municipal elections. Among the regional capitals where these events will take place are Florence, Bari, Campobasso, Potenza and Perugia.

Some confusion created something new this year, the masterpiece' but, as the ministry clarified, it will not be analyzed and evaluated during the oral exam. The “masterpiece” section of the e-portfolio was created solely to help students select and preserve their most important work of the school year.

Secondary school leaving exams 2023: students taking the first exam at the Alfieri high school in Turin (Handle)

Secondary school leaving exams 2023: students taking the first exam at the Alfieri high school in Turin


During the final vote, the class council awards the grade for the credits acquired during the second biennium and the last year up to a maximum of 40 points: 12 for the third year, 13 for the fourth year and 15 for the fifth year. Behavioral assessment contributes to the determination of academic credit. The final grade for the state exam is expressed in hundredths distributed as follows: maximum 40 points for academic credit; maximum 20 points for the first writing; maximum 20 points for the second test; maximum 20 points for the interview. The commission can award up to 5 “bonus” points to those who are entitled to them. The sum of all these points gives the final mark of the exam. The maximum score is 100 (with possible mention). The minimum score is 60/100.

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