European Council, Meloni: “There is no call to arms, we are facing emergencies” – Video

Leaving the European Council which met yesterday and today March 22 in Brussels, Giorgia Meloni said she was satisfied with the conclusions on various points, starting with migration. And it has in any case attenuated the hypotheses according to which the Council had greatly accelerated the rearmament of Europe. On European defense, “the question of resources remains: I am in favor of strengthening the defense industry but we must deal with the available resources”, declared the Prime Minister. There has been no precise decision on this point. Among the hypotheses, that concerning the EIB “finds a great consensus but it is an ongoing debate”, added Meloni, later explaining that when the Council's introductory document spoke of “crisis preparation”, he meant “also the crises facing civil protection”. , this is a point that we have clarified better. I think there's been a lot of confusion about that.”

Giorgia Meloni then said that she did not agree with the letter of good wishes sent by Viktor Orban to Putin and specified (but her collaborators would later clarify that the two subjects were not linked): “The entry of Viktor Orban and his Fidesz party in the Ecr group This is not on the agenda.” Still on the subject of European balances, the Prime Minister did not go too far on her support for Von der Leyen for a second term: “It's a subject that fascinates you, the subject that fascinates me is what to do. There are candidates, the Europeans will vote and after the vote we will see what the weights are. But let it be Ursula von der Leyen or anyone else, what is the Europe of tomorrow?

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