Ermal Meta and stress angioedema: “To heal I went to Puglia”

Ermal Meta was diagnosed with stress angioedema some time ago. It is “an increase in the permeability of small blood vessels in the skin and mucous membranes resulting in fluid leakage and swelling”. I looked like a balloon,” he said today in an interview with The imprint. “An explosion dictated by stress. Plus, I was down and not well connected. The doctors advised me to stay calm for a while and that's also why I moved to Puglia, I needed another dimension.” Stress angioedema is the second type of this disease (the first is that due to allergic reactions). The cause is a deficiency of a blood protein, the C1 inhibitor. It frequently occurs following trauma, intense stress or infection. But sometimes the symptoms don't have a trigger.

Waiting for his new single The last danger will be released today, March 8th. The album of unreleased songs is scheduled for the first week of May: “It still doesn't have a title but it's the best album I've made so far.” In 2022, he published the novel Tomorrow and Forever with La nave di Teseo: “I wrote out of creative need and I started it in April 2020, in the middle of a pandemic. Somehow I had to at least get out of my head because I couldn't keep listening to the ambulances every ten to fifteen minutes. I paid homage to my land, to Albania. The history of a people through the events of a man much appreciated and translated in several countries; I've already started writing another book, but I have to deliver the album first.”

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