Erba massacre, decision is made on the reopening of the trial of Rosa and Olindo. The Public Prosecutor: “Inadmissible requests”

Today a decision is being made regarding the sentencing review process for the Erba massacre, for which Olindo Romano and Rosa Bazzi were sentenced to life in prison in December 2006. Dozens and dozens of people are already in line to attend the hearing. . Azouz Marzouk arrived there after losing his wife Raffaella Castagna and their son Youssef, 2, in the massacre, but believes in the innocence of Rosa and Olindo. “I’m excited, we’re getting our revenge. I am fighting this fight for everyone. The drug trail, which everyone wants to believe in, creates a lot of problems for me now that I am moving here to Italy also to find work,” he declared in front of the Courthouse of Brescia. The hearing began and the accused couple arrived in the courtroom escorted by police. Through their lawyers, they asked not to be filmed by the cameras.

State Attorney General: “Request inadmissible”

The state attorney general, Domenico Chiaro, was the first to intervene. “We are faced with a manifest inadmissibility of requests for evidence. Some limits have been exceeded, it is up to us to return this process to normal. It is not true that the conviction was based on only three pieces of evidence. Even if one of them were to fall, we would still have the opportunity to proceed with a circumstantial trial. These three pieces of evidence are not the only ones sufficient to justify a conviction,” he said. “There is the powerful motive, the maintaining of the meter, the anonymous behavior of the accused, the clear findings of the consultant on the victims' injuries, the weaker left hand and the stronger right hand. There are no new facts. They must also be so from the point of view of proof. It is not true that the mental state of the accused was never evaluated. There was constant psychiatric observation in prison,” he added.

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