Eleonora Giorgi, pancreatic cancer treatments: “Oncologists say I'm a cyborg, but the sixth chemo was devastating” – Video

“I'm glad you called me now because I hope I can still come and tell you why my oncologists consider me a cyborg because of the resistance I have, but now that I've reached sixth chemo, I didn't do it. I didn't expect it, the next few days it was devastating. Yesterday I was so sick that I wondered how I was going to do the interview.” Eleonora Giorgi admits it without difficulty: treatments for pancreatic cancer are very demanding. So much so that now, after the last cycle of chemotherapy, he feels all the pain and fatigue of the journey he has traveled so far. The actress and director said she discovered pancreatic cancer during a mammogram. “Feeling sick is this huge weakness but above all a sort of disaffection with regard to food”, he explains again, in studies of very true, “I look at a delicious shrimp risotto, which I love, and it looks like paper. So I have a hard time eating, and if you don't eat, the chemo devastates you.” However, he tries to bring positivity, especially to those in the same situation as him. “I don't I don't like bad things, I get angry and I say to myself: “But will there be any good?” Knowing how to find something beautiful and decent, in all contexts, is a salvation.”

Without hiding how difficult it is. “My life now is that of a soldier devoted to the doctors' instructions, there is no other life: every 14 days there is chemo, and the days in between have a defined progression,” sighs the actress, “between a couple In a few weeks we will know a lot, including what can be done. » This moment, certainly not the only difficult one in his life, made him reflect on the difficulties and on his own character: “I think I was incredibly lucky in terms of my character because I had a life full of adventure, full of wonderful things. and very hard. At 70 years old, I have the impression of having experienced it, even physically, like a 90 year old person. My heart now goes out to those who are facing my illness and who are younger than me, because in the end I have experienced a lot.”

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