Ekla Vasconi, the restaurateur attacked after “4 restaurants”: “Now I’m afraid for my son”

Ekla Vasconi is the restaurateur from Mantua who was attacked on social networks after participating in 4 restaurants. In the show hosted by Alessandro Borghese, “perhaps I was too harsh in my judgments of my colleagues”, she said today in an interview with Free. But above all “since then, the haters have persecuted me: insults, threats. I closed my profiles on social networks and now I am afraid for my son.” Vasconi attacks those who created the program: “By nature, I am very frank and direct. However, I do not “Not defined as an arrogant person. But in this context, the worst in me came out. Looking back on myself, I realized that I actually seemed like a very arrogant person.” And that's because that “only my curt comments were included in the editing, without the explanations I gave afterwards.” It made everything more difficult than it really was.”


If he could go back, he said, “I certainly wouldn't give back that 'zero' in the final vote that I gave to my fellow competitor.” Because “he didn’t deserve it.” Whereas from the day the episode was broadcast, February 7, “there was an escalation of insults and threats. A real hatred towards me and my family, of unprecedented violence.” Vasconi recounts the negative comments: “One of the sentences that particularly touched me was this: 'Sooner or later, I will go and make him live 'hell'. Otherwise the one that arrived fresh today. “Rewatching the episode, I must say that it is unbearable and inexplicable that this rude slut has a husband. That her husband is such an idiot that he makes her working in a restaurant and worse, sending him on TV. Food for thought: he has a son who, for this mother, corresponds to a loser and repressed son, rather than the most bimbominchia, tyrant and rude asshole like her mother. The little woman speaks for herself, but her husband remains the most pitiful and poofy character in Mantua. Don't answer me, shut up. The more reruns Sky broadcasts, the more shit you morally deserving invades you. Change city.”


Today, she says, “not being used to all this media attention and all this hatred, I was very afraid. Especially the first few days. I had a psychological and physical upheaval. I no longer sleep at night. We always think that people could come to my house and commit improbable acts. »

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