Easter in Innsbruck: what to do and where to go

Easter is upon us and… Innsbruck, the capital of Tyrol, invites everyone to celebrate it among the snow-capped Alpine peaks, where the ski season continues until the end of April. The big attraction, for fifteen years now, has been the Easter market installed in the historic center in front of the famous Golden roof, symbol of the city. Here, from March 22 to April 2, elegant stalls offer quality products: Austrian crafts, decorations inspired by the great Christian holiday, wooden toys and gastronomic delicacies. Desserts particularly dominate, notably the Baumstriezela traditional “chimney” cake of Hungarian origin, to be enjoyed as street food while shopping.

Easter in Innsbruck, between egg hunts and century-old nativity scenes

Around Easter, there is no shortage of entertainment linked to folklore and local customs. Performance with the whips of Aperschnalzerphotographed by a group of young people in costume to chase away winter (open in German, it means “without snow”), at the bell concert of Grasausläutera rural rite which announces the start of spring.

In addition, every day you can find workshops for the little ones dedicated to the construction of Easter decorations, while on Easter Sunday the traditional “egg hunt“. As you stroll through the city on the Inn, you can also visit thematic exhibitions, such as the one installed in the baroque cellar of the Hofburg Imperial Palace, with more than a thousand works dedicated to Master Lampthe Easter Bunny who, in the tradition of German fairy tales, brings eggs as gifts.

The reason they are given as gifts at Easter is explained Popular Art Museum, where twelve thematic stations, visitable from March 22 to April 8, illustrate as many subjects linked to the religious anniversary. Among these, the ancient and fascinating “Lenten nativity scenes” with which churches and chapels are decorated each year in various places in Tyrol, Gotzens has Axams, Since Zirl has Telfsin addition of course to Innsbruckdepict scenes from the Bible created by the region’s master craftsmen.

Once Lent is over, nativity scenes often give way to what are calledEaster Graves», illuminated glass spheres filled with water which create an almost mystical atmosphere. This custom is particularly alive in the villages of Axams, Igls, Patsch, Natters, Mutters, Götzens, Birgitz, Kematen and Oberperfuss.

Palm Sunday in Innsbruck, a celebration of colors

In addition to the essential colored eggs, the Easter brunch on March 31 is also characterized by various seasonal specialties based on sourdough bread with particular shapes such as rabbits and chickens. Another typical product to taste is the Forchaz, an ancient bread with a particular aniseed aftertaste. Its name comes from the Latin to focus and in ancient times, it indicated a focaccia cooked in ashes. In Innsbruck you can find it in traditional bakeries like Moschen Bakerywhere it literally sells like hotcakes.

There Palm Sunday, which falls this year on March 24, is another highlight of the preparation for Easter. The commemoration of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, greeted by two wings of the crowd with palm branches waved in homage, is celebrated here in an Alpine variant: in the absence of palm trees, which naturally do not grow at this latitude, THE “Palm trees“The processions are prepared with the foliage of local species such as heather, heather and juniper and then decorated with colorful ribbons and the inevitable pretzels. The tradition, deeply felt, is renewed in particular in Mumble, chatter And Obsteigon the set of Mieming.

Oster Festival: completely different music

With the'Oster Festivalalso called Easter, Innsbruck officially opens its cultural season. This multi-faceted event, appreciated internationally, alternates various genres and musical styles, drawing on both classical repertoire and emerging authors. The program of the thirtieth edition, scheduled until March 31, extends from performances of large orchestral groups to dance performances, from recitals to organ concerts in various venues between Innsbruck And Room.

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Highly anticipated The Passion according to John by Johann Sebastian Bach, scheduled at the conference center Congress Innsbruck on the evening of Good Friday (March 30) by Collegium Vocale Gent under the direction of Philippe Herreweghe, pioneer in the field of early music. An event not to be missed, in the name of the common thread “Survive», to experience Easter in Innsbruck in a more intimate and deeper way.

Info: innsbruck.info

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