Robert De Niro returns to attack Donald Trump, who the actor says is comparable to figures such as Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. Guest on the show The View with Whoopi Goldberg, the actor said he didn't understand “why people don't take it seriously”, inviting us to look at historical precedents in the rest of the world. “Historically, in other countries, they haven't taken” certain leaders seriously. “I think of Hitler and Mussolini… “they are idiots, clowns…”. Why don't we think this guy will do exactly what he says? He already did it. SO? Are we going to sit around and say “we told you so”? This will happen: if he is elected, this country will change,” explains De Niro, who accuses those who support Trump “of anger and hatred.” And the former American president, who will challenge Joe Biden in the presidential elections, “has done everything , what else is needed? It’s as if he wants to do the worst possible,” the actor continues while the director tries to censor a series of insults by lowering the sound.