Day against homophobia. Mattarella: Don't resign yourself to brutality. Meloni: the government on the front line

There International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia reached his twentieth birthday. Promoted by the International Committee for the Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia and recognized by the EU and the United Nations, it has been celebrated on May 17 each year since 2004.

In a note published on this occasion on the European Council website, the institutions “invite, as they do every day, governments around the world to repeal discriminatory lawsto take measures to combat and eliminate hate crimes and hate speech, to prevent all forms of violence against LGBTI people and to address the structural and institutional barriers and biases that still limit the participation of LGBTI people in decision-making and political processes.

Mattarella, unacceptable homotransphobia, enough brutality

“Intolerance towards those who are different, indifference to the compression of the freedoms of others, constitute tears in democratic coexistence. Italy is not immune to episodes of homotransphobia: people discriminated against, crushed by prejudice, which often lead to unacceptable behavior. “hate” speech, verbally and physically attacked. It is not possible to accept resigning oneself to brutality“. Thus the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella on the occasion of the anniversary, inviting institutions to commit “to an inclusive society that respects identities”.

Meloni: the government on the front line against homotransphobia

“It is our duty to maintain the attention of the international community on the persecutions and abuses which, in many countries around the world, as the President of the Republic recalled today, are still perpetrated on the basis of sexual orientation. Unacceptable discrimination and violence, which violates the dignity of people and on which the spotlight must never be extinguished, even on this front. the Government is and will always be on the front line“. This was stated by the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Rai Initiatives

On Friday May 17, Rai offers – through editorial initiatives on television, radio and digital – a reflection on the discrimination that many people are still forced to endure today because of their sexual orientation.

Further information on the subject was provided in the Rai 1 programs “Unomattina”, at 8:35 a.m., and “La vita in diretta”, at 5:05 p.m., as well as in the program “I fatti tue”, on Rai 2. On Rai 3, instead, we talk about it on “Agorà” broadcast at 8:00 a.m., while in prime time the film “The Lord of the Ants” by Gianni Amelio, the true story of Aldo, is broadcast Braibanti, intellectual and writer, declared homosexual, who ended up in the 1960s at the center of a controversial trial for plagiarism of a twenty-year-old. Services dedicated to the Day are on the program of the main editions of television and radio news.

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