Cristiano Iovino beaten outside his Milan home, Fedez now under investigation for fighting and injuries

Federico Leonardo Lucia, alias Fedez, was included in the register of suspects by the Milan public prosecutor's office for brawl, wounding and assault in connection with the beating of personal trainer Cristiano Iovino, beaten in front of his home in Milan in April night. 21 and 22. The singer had been denounced directly by the carabinieri, even in the absence of a report from the victim, because the alleged crimes can be subject to automatic prosecution. According to what has been reconstructed, the beating that evening, via Marco Ulpio Traiano, in Citylife, followed a heated argument that broke out between Fedez and Iovino during a party at the nightclub a few hours later late. The club by Largo La Foppa, perhaps due to the appreciation given by the latter to a friend of the rapper, Ludovica Di Gresy.

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