Consip case, Tiziano Renzi and former minister Luca Lotti acquitted. Matteo Renzi: “Will someone apologize? »

There are also Tiziano Renzi and former minister Luca Lotti among the eight acquitted by the Rome court during the trial on the main part of the Consip affair. Judges sentenced former NOE major Gian Paolo Scafarto to one year and six months and his superior, carabiniere colonel Alessdro Sessa, to three months. A suspended sentence of 50,000 euros was handed down against the two men in favor of the Ministry of Defense. During the trial which began in 2016, the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office challenged various crimes of boasting, influence peddling, attempted extortion, complicity, forgery and disclosure of secrets. During the hearing on December 22, prosecutor Mario Palazzi requested two acquittals and eight convictions. The acquittals, both with the formula because the fact does not exist and the fact does not constitute a crime, also concern the entrepreneurs Alfredo Romeo and Carlo Russo, the former parliamentarian Italo Bocchino, the former commander of the Carabinieri of the Legion Tuscan Emanuele Saltalamacchia, the former president of Pubbliacqua Firenze Filippo Vannoni and Stafano Pandimiglio.

Matteo Renzi's reaction

“After seven years of media massacre, the sentence arrived today – writes Matteo Renzi on social networks – And do you know how it ended? All my friends acquitted, everyone! In his long post, the former Prime Minister recalls the accusations and reconstructions which had inflamed the political debate, “an infinite attack on the reputation”, he adds for which he now expects at least moral compensation: “But will there be someone in the editorial offices, in Parliament, in the ruling class of this country who will finally have the courage to apologize?”

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