Chico Forti's return to Italy: 'It will take weeks but he is very excited, he didn't expect it'

It will still take time, a few weeks not a few days, but Enrico “Chico” Forti will return to Italy after 24 years in prison in the United States for the murder of an American citizen. This was announced yesterday, somewhat surprisingly, by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni – who had already shown her attention to the issue in 2021 – and today, 24 hours later, the first reactions from the Thirty-year-old, 65 years old, originally from Trento, detained in Florida for almost a quarter of a century. This was reported to the Italian media by the Fratelli d'Italia deputy, elected in the North American constituency, Andrea Di Giuseppe, who managed to speak with Chico Forti. “An incredible emotion”, that felt by the former sailor and television producer, reports the parliamentarian, “the news was announced to him directly by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the telephone, for him it was a surprise, he did not he wasn't expecting. The president lets him speak for a few seconds, then says: “Look Chico, the governor has just signed!”

No one was aware of the progress of the transfer request to Italy. But when Forti sat down in the leaders' room inside the prison, he knew he was going to get an important phone call. “We worked in silence for a year so as not to deceive him and achieve this result. The facts are done by working without proclamations or advances,” added the deputy, “I cannot give deadlines. Once the political work is completed, there will now be a formal process. He will have to wait until he is first transferred to a US federal prison, and only then can he return to Italy. We are talking about weeks, it will not just be a few days. » Di Giuseppe, who lives in the United States, has been in daily contact with Forti for a long time and it was with him that he wanted to share his emotions: “When I called him on Friday, he was completely upset. Uncle Gianni once invited my wife and me over for ravioli. And then he said to me, “How can I repay you?” You saved my life.”

Cover image: ANSA/GIUSEPPE PRESS OFFICE | From left to right: the FdI deputy elected in North America Andrea Di Giuseppe, Chico Forti and the Italian consul in Miami Michele Mistò

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