Chico Forti could get parole: the consultant's strategy to get him out of prison

Enrico “Chico Forti”, now aged 65, was arrested in the United States in 1998 for premeditated murder and has been serving a life sentence in Florida since 2000. In early March, surprisingly, after an innocentist movement had spread for years in Italy demanding its transfer to Italy, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced that she had obtained authorization from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis . According to lawyer Alexandro Tirelli, a jurist close to the Forti family in recent years, notably his uncle Gianni, a few years after his repatriation, the former sailor and television producer will be able to leave prison despite his life. sentence. Tirelli, director of the Higher School of Extradition of the International Criminal Chamber, quoted byHandle explained what are the steps in the process that could allow Chico Forti to obtain freedom. “After 26 years of the life sentence, if the convict repents – which shows that he has reformed, ed – has demonstrated irreproachable behavior, he can obtain conditional release,” explained the lawyer, “Thanks to conditional release, Forti could therefore be released from prison and begin a five-year probation period at the end of which, if he has not committed other crimes, he will be able to obtain full freedom, that is to say the end of his sentence”. In the meantime, Forti should return to Italy. After the approval of the governor, complex extradition procedures have been initiated. The inmate will be moved from a state prison to a federal prison, thus becoming under the responsibility of the US Department of Justice. The translated sentence will be sent to Italian authorities who will forward it at the Court of Appeal of Trento. The court will accept it, recognize it and implement it. Forti will then appear before the American judge to agree to the transfer and will be handed over to the Italian authorities who will take care of his return.

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