Chiara Ferragni's Telegram channel prohibits the writing of certain words: here are them

A few days ago, Chiara Ferragni arrived on Telegram with a group called “Chiara’s most loyal”. More than 50,000 followers, the most loyal users, a number much lower than his almost 3 million followers on Instagram. The objective is to interact with the community “in a more direct way”, the influencer herself clarified on the day of the launch. The operation comes when Ferragni had already started interacting with users on social networks, responding directly to comments or giving heart to those who invited him to resist during this delicate moment. Too bad though, he writes Fan page, that the comments policy is quite restrictive. Not all words are welcome among the faithful. And it is not at all difficult to find out which terms are immediately deleted by the channel moderators. Also because they are all linked to the legal investigations in which Ferrigni is involved. We start with charity, then we move on to Oreo, Balocco, Pandoro, but also Truffa and Easter Eggs. A list of banned words that are magically censored by the system. Green light, however, to the comments concerning the break with Fedez. Marriage, separation, divorce, just to name a few. But who knows for how much longer.

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