Bono and U2's tribute to Alexei Navalny: “People who believe in freedom must pronounce his name” – Video

“Next week marks the second anniversary of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. For the Ukrainian people, freedom is not just a word in a song, it is for these people the most important word in the world. » Bono's voice resonates in the Sphere, the Las Vegas arena, during the U2 concert. The Irish singer is taking a break from his concerts to send a message of peace against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And he invites the public to follow him in a warm tribute to Alexei Navalny, the Russian dissident who died for reasons still unknown in the Siberian penal colony where he was serving a 19-year sentence. “Freedom is so important,” Bono continues, “that Ukrainians fight and die for it. So important that Alexeï Navalny decided to abandon everything. Putin apparently never mentioned his name. So I think tonight those of us who believe in freedom need to say it: not just remember it, but say it. »And then he began to sing it and repeat it, inviting the audience to imitate him.

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