Antonio Tajani and Food for Gaza: “I will tell you about Italy's humanitarian aid to the Palestinian population”

The Italian government will promote a new humanitarian initiative to help the Palestinian civilian population. This was announced today by Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani in an interview with The imprint. “I will invite all the actors from the United Nations center in Rome to the Farnesina,” declares the Deputy Prime Minister, who also foresees that the slogan of the initiative could be “Food for Gaza”: “The situation is very complex, but we must not give up. Hamas did not provide the requested information on the hostages. I hope that Qatar, Egypt and the United States will be able to convince the parties of a ceasefire by the start of Ramadan.”

Two peoples, two states

Tajani says Italy's strategic goal “is the formula 'two peoples, two states,' in which Israel can be safely recognized by the Arab world and the Palestinians can have their own institutional reality.” From now on, the ceasefire must be accompanied by the release of all Israeli hostages. This is essential to achieving the objective of delivering all the aid the Territories needs, much more than can be distributed by dropping food parcels from planes. At the same time, the conflict triggered by the Hamas attack on October 7 left 30,000 dead: “No government or international organization is currently in a position to confirm or deny anything. But I remember: this cycle of violence was started by Hamas, which continues to protect the Palestinian population and holds more than a hundred Israelis hostage. »

What to do

Hence the idea of ​​humanitarian aid: “At the moment I am organizing a meeting with all the humanitarian organizations present in Italy to coordinate. FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu is currently in the Middle East. I will also speak to the Director of the World Food Program, Cindy McCain, and many others. The idea is that of a peace table also to resume suspended cooperation activities as quickly as possible. We are also strengthening controls to counter the possibility of Italian funds being used for terrorist purposes. » And in detail: “Italy allocated 10 million euros in December, there will be the same. We donated them to the FAO, the Red Crescent and other humanitarian organizations. We will also try to welcome other Palestinian children to Italy in addition to the hundred already assisted, but that too is complicated. Some of the injured were operated on aboard the hospital ship Vulcano, docked near Rafah. »

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