Anti-tourist protests in Barcelona: the problem of overtourism

That ofovertourismthat is to say mass tourism, is an unstoppable phenomenon which, if it produces wealth and well-being on the one hand, exasperates on the other the citizens who see their lives change, most often for the worse.

For some time now, especially after the two years of pandemic, tourism has become faster and more invasive. And controversy is rising in several famous places. One of the cities that has been at the center of the most sensational protests in recent months is Barcelona.

In a city of 1.6 million people and 30 million annual tourists, this type of tourism is increasingly seen as a problem rather than an opportunity.

SEE ALSO: Overtourism: These 10 European cities have more tourists than residents

Barcelona: protests against tourists

With the cry of “Barcelona is not for sale” And “Go home!“In early July, thousands of people demonstrated against tourist overcrowding in the capital of Catalonia and against the growing dependence of the local economy on mass tourism.

The protest arose from the dramatic increase in the cost of housing in Barcelonawhich has increased by 68% over the last ten years.

Someone used water guns against visitors sitting in the out of restaurants on the busiest streets. However, in recent times, residents have also taken to the streets to protest. Palma de Mallorcawhere on May 25 the police counted 10,000 demonstrators.

Just one Rum raisinhas Cadiz and to the islands Canaries Citizens' voices have been raised to remind us how The negative effects of tourism are increasingly evident.

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In Barcelona, ​​tax for cruise passengers and stop to short-term rentals

In the years Barcelona However, it has shown that it wants to move forward with more determination than other cities. In recent weeks, the mayor Jaume Collboni He said he wanted to increase the tax on tourists from cruise ships who stay in the city for less than 12 hours.

He further announced that in the coming years Barcelona will not renew the licenses of more than 10,000 apartments currently rented short-term to tourists; from 2029, in the Spanish city there will only be hotels or bed and breakfast traditional.

Barcelona City Council has announced plans to phase out short-term rentals by 2028. (iStock)

Once again to combat overtourism, in Aprilto Google Maps and other mobility applications a bus line (116) disappeared because too many tourists prevented the inhabitants of the district Park Güell to take public transport.

SEE ALSO: Tourist tax: here are the cities where you pay the most (even 50 euros per night)

“This is Barcelona”: a new slogan to attract “quality tourists”

Even at the promotional level Barcelona has changed its strategy. Instead of the popular slogan “Visit Barcelona“There is a new statement: “This is Barcelona“.

The new advertising campaign will be launched on August 22nd on the occasion of the 37th edition ofAmerica's Cup which will be held in the Spanish city during the months of September and October 2024.

“The context has changed and the concept of visit has reached its peak. It was time to change that,” he told local media. Mateu Hernandezgeneral manager of Barcelona Tourism.

He adds: “Now the city wants to focus more on quality tourists, those who stay longer, spend more and discover the city in a sustainable way.”

“The aim is to attract responsible visitors, interested in culture, art, music, gastronomy and architecture.”

SEE ALSO: Overtourism, Amsterdam says enough about mass tourism: limited number of arrivals in the city

The new campaign, with a budget of 5.5 million euros, is above all a reaction to the protests of local residents. However, they consider these measures “insufficient” to address the problems caused by tourism and continue to express their discontent.

Italy: the problems of overtourism

If the Spain It is one of the countries that suffers the most Europe A new way of approaching travel, the problem of tourist overcrowding is also deeply felt and discussed in other cities around the world. Old world.

Overtourism in VeniceOvertourism in Venice
Venice is one of the most visited cities in the world (iStock)

Today, nearly a hundred destinations (in 63 countries) are experiencing tourism management problems. And Italy is no exception to this worrying phenomenon: you see Venice, Florence And Rome. But also Rimini, Livorno, Thirty, Verona, Naples. And the tourist places of South Tyrol And Five lands.

READ ALSO: Venice entrance ticket: how it works, who pays and who doesn't

(American) Tourist Boom in Italy in Summer 2024

But what will it be like this summer? Italy? Nearly 40 million people will come from abroad if we consider the month of August alone, according to a survey by Cna Tourism and Commerce.

There will be 2.7 million more travellers coming from across the border (+7.5%) compared to last year, 4.7 million more compared to 2019the last pre-pandemic year.

SEE ALSO: Undertourism: 10 alternative holiday ideas in Italy. Far from the crowds

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As for the origin, 70% of foreign tourists will come fromEurope: Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain. 30% will be in Italy from non-European countries: a real boom is expected for tourists from countries UNITED STATES.

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