All the affairs in the shadow of Karibu: 7.5 million euros of embezzled funds. Soumahoro's wife even paid for the private birth

These public funds supposed to be used for the management of migrants, Liliane Murekatete, wife of MP Aboubakar Soumahoro, used them for the most diverse private purposes: even paying the clinic in Rome where she gave birth. The liquidator of the Karibu company writes this in the report on the investigation materials of the Latina Prosecutor's Office, as reported Republic. Murekatete is under investigation for fraud along with several members of his family: his mother Marie Thérèse Mukamitsindo, his brothers Michel Rukundo, Richard Mutangana and Aline Mutesi. According to Karibu's liquidator, the funds illicitly diverted from the company for private purposes amount to 7.5 million euros: much more than what was estimated by the financial police (a little over 2 million euros). Furthermore, according to the liquidator, the calculation does not include continuous cash withdrawals from the cooperative's account, from 3 to 12 thousand euros, sometimes even several times a day, nor payments made with prepaid cards registered in the name from Karibu (for around 31 thousand euros). . Among the suspicious transactions with public funds, there is also said to be a payment to the Roman clinic where Murekatete gave birth – for the allocation of a private room. And there would also be doubts about the origin of the funds with which the woman paid the deposit (32 thousand euros) for the purchase of the house with Soumahoro in Casal Palocco. Finally, it emerges from the investigation documents that the mother-in-law of the MP who left the left-wing Green Alliance also paid for a new kitchen for her Latina apartment with funds embezzled from Karibu.

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