A year after signing with Seymandi, Segre also leaves Il Domani

Almost a year after sensationally and publicly leaving his partner Cristina Seymandi, the Turin banker and accountant Massimo Segre has also abruptly left the board of directors of Carlo De Benedetti's Editoriale Domani spa, which publishes Emiliano Fittipaldi's direct newspaper of the same name. The resignation of the board of directors was communicated to the Turin Chamber of Commerce on 18 July.

Carlo De Benedetti's sudden choice to leave the newspaper

The choice to leave the Board of Directors was not motivated by Segre and is somewhat surprising, since it was only at the end of June that the accountant participated, by drawing up the minutes, as secretary at the assembly of the publishing house, also approving the decision to reduce the number of members of the Board of Directors from 6 to 5 due to the resignation of the director Giovanni Canetta Roeder on 11 April, who like Segre had been appointed in June 2023 with a mandate that would have expired after approving the company's financial statements as of 31 December 2025. After reducing the number of members to 5, there are only 4 councilors left on the Board of Directors currently in office: the president Antonio Campo Dall'Orto and the three councilors Virginia Ripa di Meana, Grazia Volo and Federica Mariani.

Carlo De Benedetti

A few weeks earlier, he had approved a budget that cut losses in half

A few weeks earlier, Segre had voted with satisfaction the budget of Demain which, although it continued to lose money, had nevertheless marked a small reversal of the trend. With a turnover almost identical to that of the previous year (5.8 million euros), the losses were however reduced from 3.5 million euros in 2022 to 1.9 million euros in 2023, almost half as much. The capital of 10 million euros (currently 9.5 million euros released, of which 500 thousand at the beginning of 2024) has been almost eliminated by the overall losses, bringing it to 272,405 euros at the end of 2023, but the extraordinary shareholders' meeting of 2023 has already approved a new capital increase of 6 million euros which, with budgets like that of 2023, would ensure another 3 years of life, and if the accounts improved, even more.

Emiliano Fittipaldi, director of Il Domani

The video of the breakup with Seymandi exploded on sites and social networks in the summer of 2023

Segre, who inherited the workshop from his mother Franca, who for most of her life was Carlo De Benedetti's trusted accountant, became known to the general public in the summer of 2023 for the party with 100 guests at the Turin well during which he should have announced his upcoming marriage to his partner Cristina Seymandi, accused of cheating on him with a lawyer and therefore “released”, breaking off the union that same evening and annulling the marriage. The video of that sensational evening had been published on some sites as well as Segre's speech and then, following a legal dispute between the two, the video had been subsequently deleted.

Cristina Seymandi

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