A 20-year-old patient reports a rape at the hospital, then commits suicide. A warehouse worker arrested

She first reported a sexual assault, then she committed suicide. This is the tragic development of what happened at the Vizzolo Predabissi hospital, in the province of Milan, where a 20-year-old girl revealed to emergency nurses on the night of May 27 to 28 that she had been raped on a stretcher. in one of the clinics. Then on the evening of the 28th, around 8:30 p.m., he decided to commit suicide, according to what the Lodi prosecutor announced. As part of the investigations entrusted to the Carabinieri of San Donato Milanese and Melegnano, a 28-year-old warehouse worker was arrested and imprisoned, accused of being responsible for the abuse against the young patient. In the meantime, an autopsy has been ordered.


According to what has been reconstructed so far, the accusation of sexual assault against the 28-year-old woman arose after the complaint of the alleged victim who, on Tuesday morning, immediately after the alleged abuse, told emergency nurses that she had been raped on a stretcher in one of the clinics. The nurses immediately informed the authorities and the police responded to the scene. When the military arrived, the man was still in the emergency room, sleeping. He was then arrested and questioned by the Lodi investigating judge. During interrogation, the man defended himself by stating that the relationship with the young patient had been consensual. However, given the seriousness of the accusations, it was decided to keep him in prison until further investigation. The evening after the incident, the woman committed suicide. Police are working to clarify all details of the incident and verify the veracity of the different versions of events presented by the parties involved.

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