The University of Pollenzo celebrates its 20th anniversary

L'University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo (fraction of the municipality of Bra, province of Cuneo) celebrates its twentieth anniversary. From May 30 to June 3 celebrate with meetings, dialogues, reflections, but also laboratories and workshops for enthusiasts, meetings at the table, films and markets. Five days of culture, innovation, education, sustainability and passion for food.

The aim of the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo

The University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo was founded in 2004 on the initiative of Slow Food and its founder and president of UNISG. Carlo Petriniwith the collaboration of the regions of Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna.

It is known for being the first university in the world entirely dedicated to the study of food, which promoted gastronomy as an autonomous and interdisciplinary science with academic dignity (obtained in 2017 with the MIUR which defined two new promotions in gastronomic sciences based on the UNISG Model.).

In twenty years of existence, it has trained 3,800 gastronomes, 45% of whom are international and from 101 countries around the world, as new professional figures equipped with interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, particularly in science, culture, politics, economics and ecology of food.

Today, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary, the University of Pollenzo is mobilizing to ask the Italian government to include nutrition education in compulsory education in schools of all orders and degrees.

The appeal of the University of Pollenzo

“Food is no longer nourishment and care, but it makes our bodies sick through bad habits that prioritize quantity over quality; it makes our minds sick, because it causes serious social injustices; this makes the planet sick, because it is among the first responsible for the climate crisis, and then pays the very high price. To change direction, we must start with food education aimed at young people and future generations,” commented Petrini.

The program of festivities will be inaugurated on May 30 with the conference “Food education. With food we educate, with food we change» during which the call will be officially launched ( in front of an audience made up of representatives of the most important Italian agri-food companies, organizations and institutions.

Alongside the President of the UNISG and Barbara Nappini, President of Slow Food Italia, Sveva Sagramola, author and television presenter, Maurizio Martina, Deputy Director General of the FAO, Alessandro Barbero, professor of medieval history at the University of Eastern Piedmont, and Luca Mercalli, climatologist and science communicator.

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Then, the party will come alive with entertainment for all types of audiences: laboratories discover the sensory aspects of food, workshops on breadmaking, fermentation and fodder; meetings and discussions, including one conversation between Stefano Boeri and Carlo Petrini; L'Hungry Minds Film Festivall, activities for mini-gastronomes, dinners and the farmers' market. And finally, a thematic performance Lella Costa.

The complete program on

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