Terra Madre – Salone del Gusto: meeting in Turin

Traveling in the city of Turindestination Park Dora. The meeting with returns from September 26 to 30, 2024 Earth Mother Salon du Goût. The fifteenth edition of the event highlights the relationship between human beings and nature. Just the experience of good food brings men back to earth. Serena MilanSlow Food Italia director confirms: “We are nature, we are nothing else. And when we pollute, we plunder and we are destroying naturewe are destroying ourselves.”

Terra Madre invites you on a journey without borders in the gastronomic panorama international. Sustainable food practices, promotion of local products, protection of biodiversity. Parco Dora is the scene of the most important gastronomic event. This year's slogan is We are nature» and leads to a discussion about the possibility of another future. Human beings are part of nature and tomorrow is the fruit of a conscious choice, which he is called upon to make.

Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2024Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2024
Turin's Dora Park, where the 15th edition of the Terra Madre Salone del Gusto will take place (iStock)

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THE food It is a cultural element, capable of attracting new geographies. Between the stands of Parco Dora, the encounter with different countries gives birth to new ideas reports with the earth. Stephane LorussoMayor of Turin, reiterates the importance of the place “not only because it is suitable for hosting major events but because it is one of the symbols of regeneration urban and contamination between the different cultures of this city.

Organised by Slow Food, the City of Turin and the Piedmont Region, Terra Madre animates the debate on one of the most important topics forhumanity. To find out about the organizations that participated in coordinating the event, you can visit website.

Dora Park StandDora Park Stand
Dora Park (Terra Madre – Salone del Gusto)

Beyond sustainability: Awareness

Human action impacts the environment, produces its changes and, above all, it is nature. During the event, there will be an alternation of presentations and conferences who invites you to a awareness on these topics. To stay informed about the speakers' interventions, visit the website here link.

Carlo Petrinifounder of Slow Food, reiterates the attention devoted by the festival to these problems: “With a demographic situation on a global scale which, over the last twenty years, has led to an increase in the world population of 1.5 billion people, and to a crisis climate “At a gallop, it is now more necessary than ever to join forces to face this state of affairs.”

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Terra Madre aims to inform and educate civil society to change. “There are countless links that, from foodare linked to the well-being of individuals and the health of the planet,” Petrini emphasizes. The contribution of industry professionals, activists and producers is crucial. Theirs testimony This means that someone has already taken the path of a future in which food is disconnected from the concepts of waste And exploitation.

As Serena Milano reminds us again, “the food that is bad for you is inside a system very precise. At Terra Madre, we bring the world together to tell another story. The story of food as foodculture, conviviality, pleasure”.

Food is the most powerful element that can bring human beings back to earth. The previous edition of Terra Madre had already addressed the theme of sustainability in terms of regeneration. Change begins with improving practices agriculturalof the systems Of production and the habits of consumption.

Terra Madre Regeneration PlaneTerra Madre Regeneration Plane
Terra Madre 2022 (Terra Madre – Salone del Gusto)

SEE ALSO: Slow Food Travel. Here are the new sustainable travel experiences, respectful of people and communities

Explore Terra Madre

Discover Latin American plantain, taste Indian spices, enjoy Dutch cheeses. Terra Madre itineraries are journeys through the five continents. Savoring local specialties is a way to get in touch with the different crops. See you at the tables, Taste laboratories and tastings at Allied cuisine. The protagonists of the fifteenth edition of Terra Madre are three thousand and come from more than 120 countries. There are 180 Slow Food Presidia.

Terra Madre MapTerra Madre Map
Map of Terra Madre (Terra Madre – Salone del Gusto)

Mortara Entrance

To know the reality of Terra Madre, there are two routes different. SinceMortara Entrance you arrive at Slow Food Housechaired by delegates from all over the world, where it is possible to participate in tastings and buy gadgets and association books Slow Food Editor. Next to this space, theSlow Food Garden allows visitors to discover the work of horticulturists and much more.

In the stands Feeding the city And Travel Slowly Users can learn more about urban regeneration and the benefits of Slow travel. City centres are engaged in a process of changing their appearance, with a view to asustainable architectureSlow tourism, on the other hand, offers a travel experience based on respect for territory and of community local.

For those who wish to stay late on site, several possibilities are available to them: stroll between food trucks And craft breweries and make a stop at Club Friends of Tuscany These are experiences not to be missed.

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Entrance to Borgaro Alta

Entering from Borgaro Alta, you find yourself in the middle of the Terra Madre Market with its Slow Food Sentinels. Nearby, you can listen to the stories of Slow Olives, Slow Grains, Slow may And Slow Beans who talk about good practices and harmony with nature. For more information about the Slow Food networks, visit this site.

Indian spicesIndian spices
Indian spices (Terra Madre – Salone del Gusto)

Stripping area – under the roof of Borgo Dora

Among the stands under the glass roof of Parco Dora, you will find the piece international of the event. From Africa to Asia, via Latin America and Europe, this is where International market. Not far away, there is one space interactive dedicated toagroecology. Creating healthy agroecosystems with sustainable means of production paves the way for a change of direction.

There to show which Slow Food organizes in collaboration with Alright talks about the complexities of today's food system and invites us to think about creative solutions that follow a holistic approach. A journey for adults and children that can continue with theEscape Bedroom project dissemination Beautifood. Through the game, you feel called to make choices for a system food improve.

Don't miss a visit toWine merchantwhere it is possible to taste a good glass of wine, and in the region Slow Food Café Coalition. Industry professionals will try to answer visitors' curiosities about one of the most consumed drinks by Italians. These are just some of the attractions that can be visited in the stripping area. To learn more, visit website.

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Terra Madre OFF

But Terra Madre does not stop at the industrial setting of Parco Dora. In fact, in some cases, it begins right after we leave. The slogan “We are nature” resonates throughout the city. Book presentations, shows, markets. Find out how participate for initiatives, consult the program of events on website.

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