Mattia Santori arrested at the Bologna march: “The same batons from the right and the Democratic Party, you are not welcome” – Video

Not everyone appreciated the participation of Mattia Santori, former leader of the Sardines and now advisor to the Democratic Party in Bologna, in the procession organized in the Emilian capital by certain citizens to protest “against the repression implemented by Piantedosi and Meloni. Santori was questioned by some demonstrators, who asked him to leave the march. “These are issues on which the Democratic Party is inconsistent. You have supported Israel's policy for years,” attacks one of the activists. “I have only been a member for a year and a half,” the former sardine fisher tries to defend himself. But the demonstrator does not give up: ” Who cares. If you've been a member of the Democratic Party for a year and a half, that means you support this policy.” Then comes the actual invitation to leave: “As a Democratic Party advisor, you should not be here because you are not welcome at this event.”

The video of the demonstration was shared on social networks by the page “Cambiare Rotta – Bologna”, which defines itself as a communist youth organization and writes in support of the video: “Mattia Santori should remember the expulsions and accusations in Bologna in recent years. , not to mention the repression implemented at the national level when the Democratic Party was in government.” The activists claim the protest against Santori by motivating it as follows: “Faced with the batons of a ruling class which from right to left wants sending us to war, from Ukraine to the Red Sea via Israel, it is up to us to build the alternative against the single party of war and truncheons.”

Cover video: Instagram/CambiareRotta Bologna

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