40 years in prison for the Degiorgio brothers who committed the murder

At 2:58 p.m. October 16, 2017 Daphne Caruana Galizia, 53, was killed by an explosion caused by a bomb placed inside her car. He was leaving his home in Bidnija, Malta, when the bomb exploded.

Curator of one of Blog the most followed in Malta has been involved in numerous investigations and active against corruption. The latest in chronological order, the one concerning ““Panam Papers” and his ties to the Maltese government cost him his life.

attack in Bidnjia, October 16, 2017 handle

attack in Bidnjia, October 16, 2017

Today at 5 years since his death, another piece has been added to bring justice to the murder. The lawsuit against the Degiorgio brothers – George, 58, and Alfred, 56 – charged with voluntary manslaughter, unlawful possession of explosives, criminal conspiracy, promoting and abetting a criminal conspiracy, and actively conspiring with others to kill.

They were sentenced to 40 years from prison. They will also have to pay court costs and return the proceeds of crime. The judge, according to Maltese media, essentially respected the terms of a last-minute plea deal, which allowed the two killers to avoid a life sentence. They will be entitled to discounts for good behavior.

Entered the class like “not guilty”, instead, they later admitted that they were responsible for the murder. This sensational breakthrough was announced in the courtroom when the hearing resumed, suspended since lunchtime.

The Degiorgio brothers were arrested in early December 2017, just 42 days after the murder thanks to the joint work of police forces around the world, starting with the FBI, Europol, Scotland Yard, but also those of Italy, Finland, Holland and France. For almost 4 years, they remained silent, despite the accusations and revelations of repentants: the intermediary of death, the former taxi driver and loan shark. Melvin Théumawho was granted immunity for evidence that also indicted the instigator Yorgen Fenechand their accomplice Vincent Muscat (their driver and handyman, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison). With today's confessions, four repentants have admitted their guilt in the physical execution of the journalist's murder.

“A crack has opened in the clouds,” he commented warmly Paul Caruana Galiziaone of Daphne's children.

In the interview given to Reuters, George Degiorgio had admitted that the assassination which had been ordered against him “was a business, nothing more than a business”, adding that if he had known who the victim was, he would have “asked 10 million euros” and not the mere 150,000 euros for which he made the deal with Theuma. Before the trial, his brother Alfred tried to have the trial postponed by looking for various legal loopholes while George went on a hunger strike which He was taken to hospital, but this morning he appeared in court in a wheelchair and assisted by a doctor.

The process was monitored by representatives of the European Center for Press Freedom and media and other international organizations concerned with media freedom.

“Oggi non è stata fatta giustizia, è stato fatto solo un piccolo passo. Ora avanti con quelli che hanno ordinato e pagato l'omicidio, con chi li ha protetti e quelli che hanno passato due anni facendo tutto il possibile immaginabile per cercare di insabbiare All”. The President of the European Parliament, the Maltese, wrote it Roberta Metsola, in a Facebook post in which he wrote that “two more men have just admitted to the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia almost five years after killing her.” “It has been a half-decade of agony for Daphne’s family and for the country,” Metsola said. “Daphne continues to be unable to write her blog, enjoy her children and grandchildren, garden or spend time with her loved ones.”

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