Zelensky responds to the Pope: “Russian madness must lose this war.” The Pope at the Angelus: “Let us pray for tormented Ukraine”

Russian madness “must lose this war.” These are the words of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on his social networks, after the statements of Pope Francis who, in an interview on Swiss television, had invited negotiation, declaring that those who have the courage to raise the white flag are courageous . . “Only the strength of the protection of life, only our ability to achieve our goals can return Russia to a state of, at least partial, sobriety,” Zelensky said. “Russian madness must lose this war,” he says. This morning, the Pontiff returned to the Ukrainian question. During the Angelus he said: “We pray for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as in tormented Ukraine and the Holy Land. May the hostilities which are causing enormous suffering to the civilian population cease as quickly as possible.”

Foreign Minister Kuleba: “We will never raise any other flags”

Echoing the Ukrainian president, after the Kiev embassy in the Vatican, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba declared on X: “Our flag is yellow and blue. It is the flag by which we live, die and conquer. We will never raise any more flags. » And again: “We thank His Holiness Pope Francis for his constant prayers for peace, and we continue to hope that after two years of devastating war in the heart of Europe, the Pontiff will find the opportunity to perform an apostolic visit to Ukraine to support more than a million Ukrainian Catholics, more than five million Greek Catholics, all Christians and all Ukrainians. »

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