Work, jobs are increasing but there is a lack of (specialized) personnel: Lombardy and Lazio are the regions most in crisis

Three million additional workers will be needed over the next five years. More than 600,000 in Lombardy, more than 300,000 in Lazio, Campania and Emilia-Romagna. According to the report by Unioncamere and the Ministry of Labor on “Forecasts of employment and professional needs in Italy in the medium term” for the five-year period 2024-2028, the labor market will be able to express a need of between 3.1 and 3.6. million people employed depending on the macroeconomic scenario. In this context, however, there is a shortage of young graduates in scientific subjects and transition experts. Green and workers with high digital skills, explains the Messenger. Therefore, the demand for unskilled workers decreases, but the demand for technical and specialized professions increases.

Needs in the next five years

According to Unioncamere, the stock of jobs could also grow over the same five-year period: from a minimum of 238 thousand units in the negative scenario to a maximum of 722 thousand employees. According to the data, in Lombardy, with a need for more than 668 thousand employees in the positive scenario, more than 18% of the total national demand will be concentrated. Lazio follows with more than 350 thousand units or 9.8%, Campania with 320 thousand units, 8.8%, Emilia-Romagna with 306 thousand units, 8.4%. The latest Istat data also confirms the positive trend: employment is growing with 481,000 additional employees compared to 2022, the majority of which are permanent. While the number of unemployed fell to 2 million (-81 thousand compared to the previous year). The difficulties in finding personnel have cost Italy nearly 44 billion, or “around 2.5% of GDP”, explains the president of Unioncamere to the Roman newspaper. We must therefore “work ever more on the orientation front and bring training closer to the major transformations underway”, specifies Prete.

The turnover of civil servants

Specialized and technical professions will therefore develop, but also office professions thanks also and above all to the demand emanating from public administration. The latter should in fact recruit more than 170,000 people by 2024. And that's not all: the next five years will see a real generational change within the AP, with one civil servant in five retiring. There will therefore most likely be a sort of “rejuvenation” of the workforce and a consequent modernization of public administration. “During the five-year period 2024-2028, the public sector will have to replace around 682 thousand civil servants, an average of more than 13,” we can read in the report.

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