Why You Shouldn't Call 3341051030 If You Find an Abandoned Dog

“If you see an abandoned dog, contact these numbers.” A noble message, which spreads very quickly, especially in summer. Except that the two numbers indicated are wrong or inactive and therefore risk generating confusion.

For those in a hurry:

  • A message is circulating on social media asking people to contact two phone numbers in case they see any abandoned dogs.
  • The message has been circulating for years.
  • Phone numbers are inactive or incorrect.
  • To report an abandoned animal you can call the police, the fire brigade or the carabinieri.


Let's see the screenshot of one of the messages being checked (here and here more examples). The description reads:

If you notice an abandoned dog on the highway, simply send a text message specifying the location, time of observation, breed (if possible) and direction of travel to 3341051030.

1000 volunteers are ready to intervene throughout Italy until September 4, it's not difficult…

There is also another number active 24 hours a day from July 1 to August 31: 800137079.



The message has been circulating unchanged for several years, so much so that it is possible to find posts identical to the one being checked dating back to past periods. Below, we see one from 2022. The article from the same is also The imprintwhile that of colleagues of Do dated 2021. Both explain that the message is a chain letter containing false and outdated information.

To personally see that the message, despite its good intentions, is useless, just call both numbers. The first one seems nonexistent. And this has been the case for at least 10 years, according to reports. Do explaining that it was created by the National Animal Protection Agency in 2013, against the abandonment of dogs, as part of an initiative known as “Pronto Fido”. The second number, however, will put the caller in touch with the call center of WebX, an American company that develops and markets webinar and teleconferencing applications.

Who to call if you see an abandoned animal

That being clarified, when you find an abandoned dog on the street, you can contact the State Police (113), the Fire Brigade (115) or the Carabinieri (112).


A widespread message invites you to contact two numbers if you see abandoned animals. The contact details given are incorrect. The people to actually contact are the State Police (113), the Fire Department (115) or the Carabinieri (112).

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