USA, Italian student arrested in Miami and “tied up” for 13 minutes in cell: family demands justice

They first threw him to the ground, his face pressed against the asphalt, then they took him to prison. A 25-year-old Italian student, Matteo Falcinelli, was arrested in Miami, Florida, in a particularly violent manner. The news is reported in the online edition of The nation. The young man from Spoleto, Umbria, was mistreated by police officers before being arrested. Once in his cell, at the North Miami Beach station, four of them allegedly tied him up – writes the National newspaper – subjected him to Hogtie restraint: with a strap, they tied his feet to handcuffs behind his back, pulling him for 13 minutes. The scenes of violence were allegedly filmed by body camera worn by officers. The young man's American lawyer only managed to obtain a copy from the prosecution on April 12, as part of the trial which actually ended with his admission to court. Pre-trail intervention (Pti), a rehabilitation program.

Falcinelli was in the United States studying his master's degree at Florida International University (on the Biscayne Bay campus). While the episode dates back to the night of February 24 to 25. But the family – reports the newspaper – only wanted to announce that the young man accepted the program ordered by the judge which will cancel the four charges of resisting a public officer, resisting arrest without violence and trespassing. The family members now wish to file a complaint. According to the first reconstructions, the 25-year-old young man had gone to a club where he met people and had a few drinks. But, due to hazy memories, he doesn't remember how he got to the exit where there was a police patrol outside. The police will write that they intervened because the boy caused problems in the club to the point that he was kicked out and that he resisted arrest, resisting the police.

Cover picture: an image from the video exclusively at Quotidiano Nazionale

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