“Tuta Gold” goes double platinum and Mahmood receives a maxi-pack of “Chileans stuffed with sugar” – The video

Mahmood celebrates his double platinum for Golden suit, a song that came sixth at the Sanremo Festival. And for the occasion, Mulino Bianco – the Italian bakery products company – is offering him a maxi-pack of “Chileni stuffed with sugar – GOLD Edition“. It all comes from a misunderstanding of the song: in the chorus Mahmood speaks, in fact, of “black vests filled with sugar”. But many users – including Fazio Fazio who admitted yesterday What weather is it to have fallen into the misunderstanding musical – they understood “the Chileans filled with sugar”. The distorted version immediately found itself in the viewfinder of Internet users, who during the event The singer had joked about the competing song. Hence the Italian brand's marketing decision to offer the singer-songwriter a huge packet of biscuits which have not yet been launched on the market. At least for now. The video of the surprise went viral on social networks.

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