Treviso, the boy who stops his teacher's attacker: “I could have acted as if nothing had happened but it was good to do it”

A sixteen-year-old boy arrested his teacher's attacker in Montebelluna, Treviso region. The student from the Einaudi-Scarpa Institute chased the thief on a bicycle. Then he confronted him on Oberkochen Square. He managed to recover his documents but not his cell phone. Then he accompanied the teacher to file a complaint. And Monday March 25, he will be rewarded by the mayor. The 16-year-old tells everything today to Corriere della Sera: “My friends and I were in the square and we were doing stunts with our bikes. We heard a scream and turned around. We saw a woman on the ground and a boy running away with his wallet and cell phone. We wasted no time and immediately followed him.”

The escape and the pursuit

The thief had taken refuge in the park: “He did not enter through the main entrance like us, but had climbed a three-meter wall. When we saw him again, we went to him and he couldn't escape. There were three of us and him alone. » He and his friends demanded to return everything: “He told us that he had thrown the wallet with the documents near a wall. We then went to look for him and in the meantime he ran away with his cell phone and we lost sight of him.” He also threatened them: “He was a boy a little older than me. He was very agitated and to scare us, he told us that if he wanted, he could stab us.” He said they were afraid “but we couldn’t ignore everything. It would have been more practical to act as if nothing had happened, but I decided to take the risk. I didn't know who was on the other side, but I felt like going after him at that moment was the right thing to do. I couldn't pretend that nothing had happened.”

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