For Gianmarco Tamberi, Matteo Bassetti also received a blow, after the Italian athlete “improvised as a doctor” to respond to the controversy over his weight loss before the Olympics and the appearance of kidney stones. On social media, Tamberi had tried to respond to those who accused him of having increased the risk of developing stones with his weight loss. In a story on Instagram, the Olympic champion had written: “Just to give a little more information to those who write without informing themselves… It is the weight gain that leads to a greater risk of renal colic, not the weight loss…”.
Bassetti's lesson in Tamberi
But this answer must have startled the infectious disease specialist from San Matteo in Genoa. Bassetti accuses Tamberi of having invaded a field that is not his. And that he has written “inaccurate things”. Starting with this story of obesity and renal colic. Bassetti effectively denies the Italian athlete and tries to explain: “Weight loss can promote the appearance of kidney stones. Weight loss also involves a loss of water and can lead to a greater risk of kidney stones due to the reduced possibility of elimination of waste and precipitation of crystals that cause the appearance of the stones themselves.
“I will continue to encourage the athlete Tamberi”
To each his own, explains Bassetti, who acknowledges having supported Tamberi and says he is sorry for the medical problems that compromised his performance at the Olympic Games. Bassetti then concludes with irony about the high jump champion: “To raise the bar of medical-scientific communication, it takes competence and study. I will continue to encourage and be enthusiastic about the athlete Tamberi…”. Less so for what the doctor is also trying to do.