traditional table menus with an average expenditure of 75 euros per family

Expenditure substantially in line with last year. For the Easter lunch 2024 Italian families will pay on average 75 euros. There will be six people seated at each table, with a situation quite similar to that of 2023.

And how much Coldiretti estimatesindicating that the vast the majority of Italians will spend it at home or with relatives and friends. In particular, according to the Coldiretti/Ixè survey “Easter 2024 for Italians at the table”, 60% of citizens will have lunch at home, while 26% will have lunch with relatives and friends. But there are also 9% who have decided to go to a restaurant or to a farm while 3% will have an outdoor picnic and the remaining 2% will be elsewhere.

It will take an average of 2.1 hours to prepare Easter lunchwith a clear tendency to favor traditional menus. Among those who cook, according to the survey, a majority of 55% will keep kitchen operations between 30 minutes and 2 hours, 26% will go to 3 hours, 11% will reach 5 hours and 5% beyond. Only 3% will be limited to just half an hour.

The food most representative of the Easter tradition for the majority of Italians the lamb remains which is served on one in 3 tables (33%) in homes, restaurants and farms, but there is no shortage of eggs. Around three hundred thousand are consumed during Holy Week.

Dove and chocolate eggs remain favorite desserts by the Italians for Easter, with 69% of preferences against 63% for chocolate eggs, but theBe careful with typical desserts of the region. According to the survey, more than four in 10 families (43%) are preparing Easter desserts typical of the region at home this year, with a marked return to the traditions of peasant recipes passed down from generation to generation.

The research was presented at the first exhibition of local Easter specialties at the Mercato di Campagna Amica in Rome's Circo Massimo, with peasant chefs at work teaching citizens and tourists the most delicious specialties from ancient recipes from Italy. campaign.

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