Tractors are once again invading Brussels. Fires at Place du Luxembourg. Police warning: “Extreme danger on motorways” – Video

They have returned, around a hundred so far, and they are preparing to block the European district of Brussels. After the double siege carried out at the beginning and end of February to challenge European policies, around a hundred tractors are gathering this morning in front of the headquarters of the main European institutions. Fires were lit on Place du Luxembourg, in front of the European Parliament buildings. A symbolic action is planned from 10:30 a.m. at the intersection of rue de la Loi and rue du Taciturne, near the headquarters of the Commission and the European Council. Between 300 and 500 tractors are expected. And the Belgian police are issuing a warning on social networks: “Be careful! Tractors travel on the highways towards Brussels. This leads to extremely dangerous traffic situations. We invite tractor drivers to respect the highway code and advise everyone to pay the greatest attention to them.”

(video by X, @VdeGraffenried)

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