Toti's farewell sows panic in both coalitions. Pending candidates Rixi (Lega) and Orlando (PD) tempted by none

An act so announced, the resignation of Giovanni Toti, that paradoxically neither of the two coalitions seems ready to take on the challenge of the future of Liguria. And this despite the fact that in recent days the governor, under house arrest for an investigation that sees him accused of corruption, has given various signs of concern, starting with the decision to cancel the long-awaited summit with Matteo Salvini.

League movements and alternatives

Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini and Deputy Minister Edoardo Rixi ANSA/ DINO FERRETTI

According to some reconstructions, it was precisely the actions of the League that convinced Toti to withdraw (which could avoid the risk of an election day with Emilia Romagna). Although the League was the party that most defended him, the governor expected the member of the Northern League, Edoardo Rixi, to accept the candidacy while leaving the Ligurian constituency available. And in fact, Salvini would also like Rixi to show that she is open to possibilities. The upcoming divisions for the Regionals have something to do with it: for the leader of the Northern League, it is essential to maintain the candidate in Lombardy, even at the cost of sacrificing the one from Veneto who, without Luca Zaia, is a more difficult candidate. challenge for the League. If a member of the Northern League were to run in the elections in Liguria, it would be likely that Veneto would turn to other members of the coalition, almost certainly the Brothers of Italy, to maintain the existing structure in Lombardy. The problem is that Rixi says a very clear no, citing among the reasons the fact that the investigation into Toti affected him, without however finding anything relevant on the criminal level. Unless Salvini decides from above, the discussion within the coalition will have to reopen.

The ideas of Forza Italia or the civic hypothesis

The headquarters of the University of Genoa, via Balbi 5. Genoa, May 13, 2022. Genoa, May 13, 2022 ANSA/LUCA ZENNARO

Fratelli d'Italia seems to have withdrawn from the challenge from the outset (and its defence of Toti has been lukewarm, with Prime Minister Meloni only mentioning his right to defend himself) while Forza Italia could try to throw out names, such as Carlo Bagnasco, mayor of Rapallo, regional coordinator of the party and personal friend of the La Russa family. It is more difficult to find Toti on the list, given the ongoing investigation, even if regional councillor Marco Scajola is appreciated by many. So there is the idea that could prevail, of choosing a civic. The name of the mayor of La Spezia, Pierluigi Paracchini, a former CISL trade unionist, is mentioned, and the rector of the University of Genoa, Federico Delfino, has been the subject of an investigation – so far without good results.

Toti's Defense

In any case, and while waiting for new decisions, the centre-right is today united. “I am sure that in a few years we will talk about this story as an example of a clear imbalance between powers – says Alessandro Cattaneo, deputy coordinator of Fratelli d'Italia – in which justice had too much weight compared to politics. Toti was forced to resign.” “The League does not let itself be intimidated and citizens will be able to respond democratically by reconfirming the centre-right that has relaunched the Region in every way”, states a note from the Northern League.

And to the left ?

Elly Schlein with Andrea Orlando ANSA/ANGELO CARCONI

One might think that at least the opposition, in view of the investigation opened almost three months ago, is already ready to act. In reality, even in these regions, there is still some confusion. The strongest name in the matter is that of the former minister Andrea Orlando, who is de facto party leader in the region and who also supported the campaign of the secretary Elly Schlein. For the opposition, Liguria could be the first test of a coalition that would include from Italia Viva to Avs, passing through the Five Star Movement (even if many, starting with the latter, are reluctant to reach an agreement with the sworn enemy Matteo Renzi) and Orlando does not regret anyone. Yet it is he who does not seem enthusiastic about taking on a challenge that would bring him back to local politics and what is more in a complicated situation to manage. And then? It is possible that he will be forced to give in, also because of the partisan responsibilities he assumes, or some local names more or less known at the national level. It is unlikely that the choice will fall to the mayor of Savona, Marco Russo, or to the 5-star Tiziana Beghin. A strong name, but very left-wing, is that of the mayor of Bogliasco, Luca Pastorino, although some say that Gianni Pastorino, regional councilor and head of the left-wing list, would be even more popular, but he is also against dialogue with Italia Viva. Therefore, even in these areas, if Orlando does not really give in to pressure, a civic body could emerge to ease tensions.

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