The two carabinieri who asked for bribes from a dentist: sentenced for damaging the image of the force

Two former carabinieri of the NAS – Anti-Isophistication and Health Unit – of Florence, Antonio Barrasso and Luigi Aprile, already convicted in criminal court for attempted extortion, will have to compensate the force for their actions. The Court of Auditors has sentenced each person to pay a sum of 16 thousand euros. The two had asked for the same amount from a dental office. A bribe of 32 thousand euros in total, to have a certain respect during the checks carried out during the first phase of the Covid emergency. Barrasso and Aprile were arrested flagrantly in April 2020. With their behavior, they damaged the reputation of the force, undermining “the confidence of citizens in the correctness of administrative action.”

The judges of the Court of Auditors also took into account the “outcry” caused by the affair in the media. And, in the sentence, they wrote: “At the most critical and uncertain moment of the pandemic emergency, instead of devoting ourselves to the activity of monitoring compliance with legislation for the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 , they orchestrated – in concert with a private informant and an intermediary – an inspection intended to make the owner of the inspected dental practice fear sanctions that were completely disproportionate to the slight irregularities noted, in order to obtain payment of a large sum of money. 'money”. And again: “It is therefore obvious that the image damage suffered by the administration is causally attributable to criminal behavior, extremely serious from a human and professional point of view, characterized by a total disregard for the essential of the activity of the Carabinieri Arm which consists in the protection of legality.”

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