The taxi driver, the worker, the candidate, the railway worker: who are Andrea Joly's attackers?

Digos has identified four people responsible for the attack on journalist Andrea Joly in front of L'Asso di Bastoni, during the “Black Festival of Turin”. They are believed to be Turin native Euclid Rigato, a 45-year-old taxi driver; Maurizio Galiano, a 53-year-old railway worker; Marco Berra, a 35-year-old worker from Cuneo; and Igor Bosonin, a 46-year-old former mayoral candidate in Ivrea. Some of them have filed complaints (but have not been convicted) for unauthorized demonstration and damage, as well as for insulting a public official. They will now face charges of private violence aggravated by frivolous motives and aggravated injuries. The suspects are not talking at the moment. Lawyer Luigi Vatta explains that “it is early. We need to understand what happened, the dynamics. If there is someone who made a mistake. And if so, how much.”

Euclid Rigato

Taxi driver Euclid Rigato explains today The imprintwas a municipal councilor in Varisella, a municipality of less than a thousand inhabitants in the province of Turin. He organized and participated in the demonstrations against the illegal occupation of the former Moi buildings by immigrants. Rigato was close to Matteo Rossino, a former Casapound activist who later joined the League. On Instagram he writes “Stand up against fatalism” while the first sentence of his Facebook profile reads: “Walk or die”. He recently got married. He celebrated the wedding two weeks before the party at L'Asso di Bastoni with a party, cake and fireworks.

Igor Bosonin

Igor Bosonin, meanwhile, is a 45-year-old industrial technician. He was born in Ivrea. In 2018 he ran for mayor of Casapound. He then joined the League and the Salvini List. Carroccio's MP, Alessandro Giglio Vigna, had said of him: “A person involved in social work, with experience in administration, a family man”. Today in the newspaper he retracts everything: “We did not imagine that he could commit crimes of this type. We tore up his fan card. We stopped all contact because the videos are very clear. We can see that he is participating in the attack. We reaffirm our adherence to the anti-fascist values ​​that characterize the DNA of our party.”

Maurizio Galiano and Marco Berra

Bosonin is the drummer of the band “Ribelli d'Indastria”, which also includes Maurizio Galiano. Nicknamed “Maurizione”, he is a railway technician. On Facebook, he has repeatedly relaunched the anniversary of the place, inviting his friends to take part in the party “of the most beloved pub in Turin”. A photo from late June shows him with Bosonin. Marco Berra, meanwhile, is from Cuneo and is a worker. He is 35 years old and is passionate about hiking. “I climb on rocks and take photos. Obviously without taking myself too seriously,” he writes. It was he, the youngest of the group, who is said to have approached Joly first, according to testimonies and video footage. Together with the other neo-fascists of CasaPound, he then snatched the smartphone from his hands and ordered: “Are you with us? Why are you filming?”

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