The surprise Easter egg hunt in supermarkets, the expert: “Why they can't forbid you from weighing them” – Video

It is increasingly common to see videos on social media showing supermarket customers weighing Easter eggs. This year in particular, these are those marketed by Kinder, targeted above all by collectors who, with a little ingenuity, have found a method to identify the object contained inside the chocolate egg. What should be surprising is in fact revealed by the greater or lesser weight, depending on the chosen objective. And fans of the Dragonball saga now seem to have refined the technique to be able to find the eggs in which Goku, Vegeta and Jiren are hiding, also thanks to word of mouth on social networks.

But is it allowed to weigh Easter eggs with the scales in the fruit and vegetable section? It is the lawyer Massimiliano Dona who tries to clarify in one of his videos on social networks. The president of the National Consumers' Union explains: “No one can stop you from weighing Easter eggs.” Despite signs appearing in various supermarkets trying to discourage the practice of weighing eggs. Dona explains that a supermarket can prohibit the use of its scales for hygiene reasons, for example. But if a customer brings their own scale from home, the practice is possible. Indeed, weighing the products would also be recommended, explains Dona, “to verify that the nominal content indicated on the pre-packaged packaging corresponds to the actual content”. But he warns: “Pay attention to the tolerances established by the regulations”, which range from 9% for products up to 50 grams, to 1.5% for those up to 10 kilograms.

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