The pieces of glass in Milan school canteens: “My daughter noticed it in time, but what if she had swallowed them?”

A year ago, a sandwich with a bolt. Last February, a loaf with pieces of plastic inside. A few weeks ago, a beetle-flavored soup. Abnormal findings in the school canteens of certain Milanese schools are visibly increasing. Following the controversy that has arisen in recent months, the Milan public prosecutor's office has opened an investigation under the hypothesis of the crime of “trade in harmful food substances”, in which the legal representative of Centro Cucina Quaranta, one of the suppliers of Milan, is the subject of an investigation Catering, the company which distributes more than 80,000 meals every day in municipal facilities. While waiting for the magistrates to shed light on what happened and verify possible irregularities, the parents are on a war footing.

The petition

In fact, in recent weeks an online petition has been born which has already collected more than 3,000 signatures and which loudly calls for “changing the supplier of the canteen service in schools”. “My granddaughter found pieces of glass in the sandwich distributed in the school canteen. My daughter did fine, but what if she swallowed those sharp fragments? I can't stop thinking about it.” The speaker is Nathali S., the mother of the little girl who, on March 4, was about to eat a sandwich stuffed with inedible “foreign bodies.” In an interview in the Milanese edition of The day, the woman says: “Having heard what had just happened at another school, I recommended that she check every dish before putting anything in her mouth. So the little girl didn't bite into this sandwich immediately, but broke it into pieces to check that there was nothing strange inside.”


And this is precisely how, explains Nathali S., that her daughter noticed the pieces of glass and reported the episode to her teachers. “They got the sandwich and called the manager. The procedure for reporting the school to Milano Ristorazione has begun”, specifies the woman. This is not the only episode of this kind that has occurred in schools in the Lombard capital in recent months. A situation which is increasingly worrying of parents, to the point that Nathali S. launches an appeal to the Municipality: “I ask for more controls and that we do not skimp on shortcuts when the health of our children is at stake”.

Cover photo: Il Giorno

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