The Genoa goalkeeper and the fans' sexist chants: “There was no violence, it was a joke”

Linda Repetti, 41, is the gardener at the Ferraris stadium in Genoa. It is often targeted by the chants of supporters: this is what happened with those of Inter in 2021. “After the media affair, I was also heard by the sports floor. I come from a male background, I studied in a male context: I wasn't too shocked. It's bad to say that habit leads me not to be surprised, I know. But I'm also ironic. At first, I remained serious, then I even smiled,” she says today in an interview with Quotidiano Nazionale. “Words count, but you have to know how to differentiate: there was no violence in this chorus, it was joviality,” he says.

Emerging in men

She says that if her children had heard them, “I would have acted the same way. Then, I would have explained the meaning of these words to my children: there may be some rudeness, but it was a refrain to entertain, not offensive. » Last year, the Nerazzurri supporters sang to him “Leave the lawnmower alone, come with us”: “No, for me the ultras are simply the ones who go to the stadium every Sunday”. And she adds: “I also want to stand out among men: I deserved this job more than a man. No one, when I arrived, expected me to last this long. » Then he explains what his job consists of: “My colleague and I start at 8 a.m. by doing a reconnaissance tour: we check that the coat is not diseased due to grass fungi. From one day to the next, it may change color due to lack of nutrients. We install the photosynthesis lamps and unfold the canvases, then we move on to the machines to lower the grass. And we arrive late in the afternoon.

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