the excellence of Made in Italy

The Italian agri-food chain includes all activities related to the production, processing, distribution and marketing of agricultural products intended for human consumption. It represents a dynamic and substantial reality for the country's economy and is fully part of the poker of boards of 4 A of Made in Italy: clothes, furniture, automobile And agri-food.

Italian excellencies and law Made in Italy

The entry into force of law no. 206/2023 »Organic provisions for the valorization, promotion and protection of Made in Italy» has set itself the objective of enhancing and promoting, in Italy and abroad, excellent production, heritage and cultural and identity roots for the growth of the national economy. Furthermore, the law of the same name was instituted National Day of Made in Italy. Every year it will be celebrated on April 15the anniversary of the birth of Leonardo da Vinci.

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Italy is one of the chief world leaders in the production of various product categories. The sectors in which we are recognized for our excellence are indeed different: fashion and clothing, design and furniture, agri-food and wineL'automobile, mechanics, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, as well as the arts, crafts and culture sectors. Saccording to the figures of Fashion Economic Trends published by the National Chamber of Italian Fashion, the sector increased by +4% compared to 2022placing total turnover in 2023 at around €102 billion.

Also design and furniture would assert themselves as fundamental sectors for the Italian economy. According to data from Federlegno Furniture Study Center the sector, in 2023, reached a total turnover of 52.7 billion euros. Another leading sector is thatautomobile (Italian automobile industry, tools, robot and automation). According to Fleet and Mobility Study Center the automotive sector alone has conquered orient yourself positive reaching a save total turnover of 45 billion euros in 2023.

An excellence among the excellences of Made in Italy: Italian food industry

Italy's main wealth is the Italian agri-food industry and alone represents 4% of GDP. According to Allianz Business Report 2023 the agri-food sector or agri-food The Italian company reached, in 2022, a total turnover of 180 billion euros. The only export compared to 2023, it recorded a +6%, reaching 64 billion euros. The sector encompasses different phases of the food supply chain: from agriculture to livestock, via the agri-food industry, to mass distribution and catering.

The sector figures are impressive: a national heritage that includes 4 million workers employed in 740,000 agricultural companies, 70,000 food industries, 330,000 catering companies and 230,000 retail outlets. Second Coldiretti the Italian agri-food supply chain has developed, in 2022, a global turnover of 600 billion euros. It would also be among the chief worldwide, and the first in the EU, among producers of rice, durum wheat, vegetables and vegetables typical of the Mediterranean diet. Among all, olive oil and wine would be the most exported products in the EU and worldwide. The country is in fact the second European producer of olive oil (20%) after Spain, and the first of wine (30.2%) followed by France (26.8%) and Spain ( 24.6%).

Data from Qualivita Foundation would also certify that with a total of 855 certified foods and wines, Italy is the leading country in the world for DOP, IGP and TSG branded products. Added to this are 35 GI spirit drinks, for a total of 890 Geographical Indications. According to XXIst ISMEA Report – Qualivita 2023 wine would be the product that determines the value of made in Italy. It was only in 2022 that exports reached +10%, and +80% in the last 10 years.

Italian agri-food: the future in our hands

Italian agri-food represents excellence recognized worldwide, with records in terms of quality, variety and tradition.. It was and still is a driving sector of the Italian economy, a real pulsating engine made up of small and medium-sized businesses in constant motion.

However, looking to the future to consolidate its direction there are still many challenges to overcome. Target and encourage innovation and research in the sector, raise awareness about food security and education and create more sustainable agricultural models. Promote biodiversity to protect typical products, encourage gastronomic and wine tourism and raise awareness among young people of the values ​​of agriculture and Italian gastronomic culture. By joining forces and working together, we can build an even better future for Italian agri-food.

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