“The discipline of silence”, the investigation into the deaths of Andrea Rocchelli and Andrej Mironov

Eight years after the death of Andy Rocchelli and Andrej Mironov, killed by mortar fire in the Donbass while they were carrying out their work as journalists, the statements of certain former Ukrainian soldiers emerge which tell a new truth about these events dramatic.

After years of investigations and trials, the Italian justice system acquitted the only defendant for procedural flaws, but established an important truth: it was a department of the Ukrainian army, the 95th Airborne Brigade, which opened fire with mortars. Today, some former soldiers from this unit have agreed to speak out and confirm the reconstruction of the judicial system. The commander of the 95th brigade was Mykhailo Zabrodskyi, according to one of the witnesses, it was he who personally gave the order to shoot the journalists.

In the second episode, the investigation, “The Discipline of Silence”, focuses on the search for confirmation of the witness's account. Other former soldiers add new elements and confirm the version according to which Zabrodskji personally gave the order to shoot.

Mikhailo Zabrodkij himself, the former commander of Karachun, now a deputy in the Ukrainian parliament and member of the group for interparliamentary relations with the Italian Republic, declared in an interview with Spotlight, while rejecting all accusations, that he could not deny either the reconstructions certified by the Italian justice system or the statements of the witnesses. And he admitted that all forces present in Karachun – including the national guards – were under his command.

The second part of the investigation “The discipline of silence”, by Andrea Sceresini and Giuseppe Borello, broadcast Friday February 11 at 9:30 p.m., on Spotlight, the Rainews24 investigative program edited by Valerio Cataldi.

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