The boss of Codacons to Fedez, the response to the latest complaint: “Are you offended? But what does it matter if you have nothing…” – The video

Carlo Rienzi, president of Codacons, appears with a broccoli in his hand and in a video on YouTube responds to Fedez, who has decided to sue the consumer association for defamation and insult. The rapper accuses Codacons of having launched an “almost daily media and legal campaign” against him “for allegedly reprehensible, even criminally relevant, behavior.” However, Fedez's lawyers reiterated that “all complaints filed have been found to be unfounded and used only to unfairly attack him.”

The latest skirmish concerns the complaint filed by Codacons with the Guardia di Finanza, after Fedez declared himself “incompetent” during defamation proceedings in a case dating from November 2020. But it is precisely because of this complaint with Fiamme Gialle, says Rienzi, the rapper he calls “broccolino” should have nothing to fear. “Hi Federico – says Rienzi in the video – my name is Carletto Patatino, as you call me. I know you were a little offended because we filed a complaint with the Financial Police, for the network of companies in which you are a shareholder… but you have nothing, but who cares? The poor have nothing to fear. You will see that nothing will come out. »

However, Rienzi warns Fedez: “Be careful though. Because, legally, if you have businesses, you can't say you don't have anything. Something else. Don't go with the Lamborghini to give money to the poor. How do people think you have nothing? Be a little more careful.” Still with a smirk, Rienzi launches into an attempted apology at the end: “If we have offended you, we apologize, dear Broccolino”.

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