The Agnelli accountant's file hidden in the cellar, the card on “Mrs.

During the Financial Police searches, there is a document that is considered crucial evidence in the investigation into the case of Gianni Agnelli's inheritance. On February 8, the financiers led by Commander Alessandro Langella recovered, among other things, a piece of paper. It was found in a yellow folder, hidden in the cellar of accountant Gianluca Ferrero's office. The professional is the subject of an investigation for fraudulent declaration of the income of Marella Caracciolo, in collaboration with John Elkann and the Swiss notary Urs Von Gruenigen.

The document found in Ferrero's cellar says: “In case of Ms. against Ms. Y, request a declaratory judgment recognizing the inheritance pact as valid and binding.” There is no signature or date on the paper, but investigators hypothesize that it was written between 2009 and 2010. As reported by Il Messaggero, the Turin public prosecutor's office considers that this text is of “extreme interest for the investigation.

Investigators suspect that this text represents a real scam manual, from which arises a kind of long-term project aimed at creating a fictitious residence in Switzerland for the wife of lawyer Gianni Agnelli, in order to avoid paying taxes in Italy. For those investigating, “there is a systematic and malicious pre-ordination of elements aimed at integrating the crimes in dispute”, so as to “conceal the identity of the parties involved”. So it turns out that “Mrs. X” is none other than Marella Caracciolo. While “Mrs Y” is her daughter Margherita.

The text continues: “As long as Mrs. This is why “we intended to request” from the competent authorities “as quickly as possible the transfer of the C permit from the canton of Graubünden (St. Moritz) to the canton of Bern (Gstaad ), because for health reasons he cannot I no longer live in St Moritz. At 84, he would not want to make a decision in haste. To find a house in Gstaad and see if she liked the climate, she spent the summer of 2010 there. She really enjoyed her stay and would like to come back. But finding suitable accommodation and adapting it to your needs takes time. In the meantime, the ideal for her is to live with one of her friends.” In this type of manual, we then read that “the other arrangements will be the organization of correspondence and, if possible, the installation of a personal telephone line”. One of the suggestions is to spend “a significant part of the year in Gstaad, with part of his staff, as he did in St Moritz”. However, as clarified until present the investigators, “since at least 2014, he has lived most of his days in Italy, while he spends less than two months a year in Switzerland”.

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